From 4850 RS
Argentina(Buenos Aires – Rosario)
South_America, South AmericaArgentina, officially known as the Republic of Argentina, is a country in South America, bordered by Chile to the west and south, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil and Uruguay from the north-east. Wikipedia
Capital: Buenos Aires
From 4850 RS
From 5470 RS
Brazil(Rio de Janeiro – Mnawess)
South_America, South AmericaBrazil, officially the Federal Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. And the third largest country in the Americas and the fifth largest country in the world, both in terms of geographic size or populat
From 5470 RS
South America is one of the continents of the New World is located in the western part of Greenwich line in the Western Hemisphere, most of the mass is located in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small part of the northern hemisphere. Going through the equator in the northern parts. Wikipedia
Area: 17,840,000 km²
Population: 422.5 million (2016)